Ready for Your Return
As the salon is now re-opening following lockdown, I want to reassure you that I have been working exceptionally hard to comply with the recommended safety guidelines.
The changes that have been implemented are based on the guidance I have received from Government, Public Health England as well as guidance and advice from The Guild of Beauty, Babtac and The Beauty Council.
The highest standards have been undertaken thereby ensuring your safety and comfort.
I will be introducing new processes and protocols, some of which may be mandatory.
Where relevant, you will be notified of any changes prior to your appointment.
Please take the time to read this information
Confirming your appointment
Prior to your appointment, you will be contacted, either by email or text, to confirm that you do not have any COVID-19 symptoms or feel unwell, including;
- Have you had the recent onset of a new continuous cough?
- Do you have a high temperature?
- Have you noticed a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell?
If so, I will use this opportunity to reschedule your appointment to a date at least 14 days after this contact.
I will be using the appropriate PPE for all treatments. Face masks will be available for clients should they wish to use them at their own discretion.
Entering the salon
Please do not attend for your appointment early.
Every person, upon entering the salon , will need to sanitise their hands and observe social distancing guidelines. Hand sanitiser and a washing station will be available to you throughout all areas of the salon , treatment rooms and the ladies washroom.
If you attend your appointment with baggage ( eg .bags/shopping bags/hats/coats/scarves/jewellery etc.) you will be asked to store this in order to reduce contamination in treatment areas.
Payment Process
In order to reduce contact when making payments, it is advised that the contactless option is used where possible. The PDQ card machine will be sanitised after each usage.
Your Safety
I want to assure you that I have made extensive efforts to ensure there is enough personal protective equipment (PPE) and that all the guidelines will be adhered to , to the letter for the duration that they are in effect.
The salon already operates to a high standard with a clear hygiene and infection control policy in place. To safe guard all I have implemented additional deep cleaning policies. Every room in use in the salon will be deep cleaned between clients with specialist equipment and anti-bacteria agents.
I will make it clear to you when I remove any or all of these protocols.
I understand that your experience will be a little different during the next few months and will try our very best to make you as comfortable and relaxed as I can.
I very much looking forward to welcoming you into the salon again in a way that ensures I am able to prioritise the health and wellbeing of everyone who walks through my doors.