01789 773 857


Address and Contact Information

To find Miri at Le Spa or to make an enquiry or booking, please use the details below.

2, Hatton Rock Business Centre,
Hatton Rock
CV37 0NQ

Telephone: 01789 773 857

E-mail: enquiries@miriatlespa.co.uk

How to find us:

Hatton Rock Business Centre is convenient and accessible, only 3 miles from Stratford-upon-Avon.
You can approach it from the A46 or the A439 Warwick Road.

Opening hours:

Tuesday – Thursday 10am-6pm
Friday 10am-7pm
Saturday 9am-3pm
Closed Monday

Miri at Le Spa

How can we help?

4 + 11 =

BABTAC Insurance Membership
range of beauty and well-being products based on Bach flowers
Jessica is considered the foremost authority on cultivating beautiful natural nails
 light exfoliating cream with a unique blend of purifying and softening botanical extracts
blend of science with the chemistry of nature, carefully crafted by a dedicated team of explorers, scientists and skincare experts

Telephone:01789 773 857


Opening hours:
Tuesday – Thursday 10am-6pm
Friday 10am-7pm
Saturday 9am-3pm
Closed Monday

2, Hatton Rock Business Centre
Hatton Rock
CV37 0NQ