01789 773 857



An initial consultation will last for 60 minutes which will involve taking a detailed medical history, examination, treatment and advice.
Following the consultation, the working diagnosis will be discussed, along with what treatment options are available. Follow up consultations will last for 30 minutes.
Physiotherapy can help manage a whole host of problems including:

  • Low back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Pain post operatively (following surgery)
  • Muscle/ soft tissue injuries
  • Long term conditions eg. multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue

Physiotherapy charges:
Initial consultation £45
Follow up consultations £35.


Clinical Pilates

Pilates is a holistic form of exercise that helps improve posture, balance, strength and flexibility of movement. The benefits:

  • Improves balance, co-ordination, circulation, strength and flexibility
  • Develops core strength, improves posture and body awareness
  • Relieves aches and pains and helps with back pain
  • Complements other therapies like massage and physiotherapy
  • Low impact and safe form of exercise
  • Improves sports performance and helps prevent injuries ·
  • Relieves stress, improves mental focus, self confidence and resilience

Pilates can be enjoyed in a small group (maximum of 4) or 1:1 setting depending on your individual needs. It can be useful when recovering from injury, to help prevent flare ups of certain conditions e.g. back pain or to help improve general fitness, strength and flexibility.
If you are pregnant or have recently had your baby, pilates is an excellent way to keep you strong as your bump grows or to help tone up your abdominals after delivery.
Please call Miri at Le Spa on 01789 773 857 for information on prices, booking and times.

  • Group pilates (maximum 4) is £15 per session with a 10% discount when booking for a course of 6 sessions
  • Individual pilates is £45 for 1 hour one-to-one tuition

Once you have booked your first session, please bring a completed copy of the Registration form with you.

Click here to view the Pilates Registration Form

Telephone:01789 773 857 E-mail:enquiries@miriatlespa.co.uk

Opening hours: Tuesday – Thursday 10am-6pm Friday 10am-7pm Saturday 9am-3pm Closed Monday

2, Hatton Rock Business Centre Hatton Rock Stratford-Upon-Avon CV37 0NQ